Here's another band that seems to have been quietly brushed under someone's "Welcome Home" mat, at least in the non-video game communities. The Protomen is a concept album about, what else, Mega Man, with a slightly different - and darker - take on the story. From the first minute of the first track, the storytelling is goosebump-worthy and the 8-bit synths are much more hook-laden than they should be, and, slowly-but-surely, you learn that the lead-singer's got pipes that would make World 7 blush. But what really pushes this album past the finish line is the atmosphere. I can totally picture pallid buildings, decayed at the base and sprawled to few-and-far between, throughout this entire album. I can see Megaman, disenchanted with humanity, leaving its people behind as they writhe in agony. I've never been one to pay a terrible amount of attention to lyrics, but this album absolutely demands that extra effort.
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