Since I haven't posted anything in a while, and to celebrate the signing of my second favorite band, Periphery, to Sumerian Records, I thought this could be the only logical next post I could possibly make, ever. Anyone who likes them already knows (or should know) that they've got over a hundred demos, mostly due to their main guitarist, "Bulb," and his ability to soldier on for weeks-on-end doing nothing but writing neck-breaking riffs and programming killer drum tracks, all without a wink of sleep. Think of these two mixes as Best Ofs, made from those demos, for a band that hasn't released anything yet.
Nothing era Meshuggah, but then picture them as young, energetic, twenty-something
humans. Periph sounds a little bit like that.
Note: Mix 1 spans the band's entire career and focuses on the tracks they took the time to record vocals for. Mix 2 is the in-between, instrumental kickassery we all know and love.
Note 2: No,
3 is not a mix I made after making this post, and it's definitely not just a mix of
1 and
2 with some extras added in because I'm an idiot and didn't think to mix the two until now. No, it's not an hour and nineteen minutes long, and it will not rock the ever-loving fuck out of your car. Also, I don't apologize to the three people that downloaded
1 and
2009 - Homemade Bromosexual Goodness
@Avg. 1682009 - Homemade Bromosexual Goodness 2
@Avg. 1362009 - Homemade Bromosexual Goodness 3: Final
@Avg. 142